It even has a screw-on cap to complete the fleshlight raven riley look. Give your fleshlight raven riley cock what it wants this christmas. Despite an entertainment medium built on a generation of children, in 1982 a software company called Mystique became a misguided trailblazer, birthing a string of adult video games including one of the most bizarre in history Custers Revenge. Who fleshlight raven riley came up with the name Fleshlight. The delivery is Fleshlight raven riley havery fast and without any troubles. But you have to remebner that this is ONLY a FLESHLIGHT SUBSTITUTE, and it wont last for long. The STU is also reported to feel a lot gentler than the enchanced inserts on uncut men, especially on the way out. Lia 19 fleshlight raven riley is amazing she loves playing in lesbian films, most desirable fantasies. Ive tested three types of FlashJacks All-American Jack, Classic Jack Ass, Endurance Jack. The STU fleshlight raven riley canal is 12 and 13 mm and has a completely unique texture.